Benefits of Swimming

Increases energy levels

Swimming is quite popular worldwide because it’s a great way to keep fit, stay healthy and make friends. From toning your core to speeding up your metabolism swimming does it all and  if this isn’t enough there are more reasons on  why you should take up swimming

It is a full body workout

It is a full body workout

Swimming uses every muscle of the body so you get full body workout. Secondly exercising in water makes your body harder which means that  30 minutes in a pool is worth 45 minutes of the same activity on land.

De-stresses and relaxes

De-stresses and relaxes

It helps lower stress, anxiety, depression and even improves the sleeping pattern. Staying in water helps you be calm and does wonders in relieving stress.

It works for the Underworked Muscles

It works for the Underworked Muscles

Swimming is all about staying balanced in water and is thus an exercise that allows even the un-worked muscles to work. It helps you build up the deep stabilizing muscles and works for the lower back too which we generally miss.

Increases energy levels

Increases energy levels

Inactivity is the main reason for lack of energy in the body and swimming boosts your energy as it increases the body’s metabolic rate.

Improves the Cardiovascular Fitness

The more you swim the more the ability of heart and lungs to supply oxygen-rich blood to the working muscle tissues increases. It also improves heart health too.

Helps losing weight and increases flexibility

Swimming is one of the most effective ways to burn calories as it can burn over 200 calories in just half an hour, more than double that of walking.